Working capital is the lifeblood of every business. It is literally the oxygen that is required to sustain any business. Businesses ultimately fail because they run out of cash.
The Eight Block Method Working Capital Boot Camp shows you exactly how to get control over your cash with our battle tested daily working capital report. Weekly and monthly cash reports are not fast enough for business that are growing quickly or struggling. You need real-time feedback to make fast, accurate decisions.
In this bootcamp, you will learn exactly how to build your own daily cash flow report from scratch and how to maintain that report every day. You will leave the boot camp with a working version that you can start using immediately to improve your business.
In addition, you will learn the top reasons companies run out of cash and what you can do to avoid that fate.
This class will be led by John Lott, a thirty year entrepreneur and corporate restructuring executive that has led both high growth start-ups and been engaged to save companies in crisis. Join us to learn how to can get control of your cash today!